Membership Checkout

Membership Information

You have selected the Junior Social Media Designation membership level.

An Associate Social Media Designation is aimed at those whose work is self-produced or self-published but does not have the numbers to qualify for full social media designation. They most likely have not monetized their work at this point. Their membership hopefully will serve as a starting point for their careers covering the automotive industry and is aimed at encouraging these members to grow their social media presence and be mentored within the association to reach the required numbers and achieve professional status.
  • The associate needs to demonstrate consistent growth of followers, readers
  • Submit examples of three works within a year.
  • Produce three to five posts per month for writing blogs or Instagram. For YouTube videos: a minimum of twice a month.
NOTES: This designation is for those who are aiming for a professional designation rather a passion project whose work is not widely read or viewed. It is a judgment call by the board but those who do the minimum requirements and have little else on their website/videos etc will have to justify their membership. The aim is to discourage vanity projects, those who want free cars and to uphold professional standards.

The price for membership is $100.00 per Year.

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